about us
Empowering creators.
Combine sections from a range of categories to easily assemble pages that meet the needs of your growing business.
Our mission
We’re helping you to build better websites.
Combine sections from a range of categories to easily assemble pages that meet the needs of your growing business.
Join our team
Our team
Empowering creators.
Combine sections from a range of categories to easily assemble pages that meet the needs of your growing business.
María Zinn
Co-fundadora y Advisor
Gastón Wright
Mario Roset
Juan Pablo Villani
Co-fundador y Director General
Ana Josefina Clavijo
Directora de Operaciones
Candelaria Lopez
Directora de Fundraising
Daniela Scuderi
Directora de Voluntariado y Supervisión
María Mir
Carolina Ojea
Cecilia Sagripanti
Camila Iglesias
Our product
Complete pages for your project.
Combine sections from a range of categories to easily assemble pages that meet the needs of your growing business.